A Glossary of Workers Compensation Terms
Provided by the Texas Workers Compensation Lawyers at Bailey & Galyen
When you take steps to recover benefits for a job-related injury under the Texas workers’ compensation laws, you can easily become confused by many of the unfamiliar terms commonly used in the process. This page is designed to provide clear explanations of the different terms used so that you have a solid understanding of your rights and responsibilities.
At the law offices of Bailey & Galyen, we have more than 50 years of combined experience working with people throughout Texas who have suffered an injury at work. We will carefully listen to all your questions and concerns, providing a full assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of your case, as well as your options and chances of success. We have successfully protected the rights of hundreds of workers, pursuing workers’ compensation claims against employers and insurance companies.
Workers Compensation Terms You Need to Know and Understand
Average Weekly Wage (AWW):
The average amount of weekly wages you earned during the 13 weeks immediately prior to the diagnosis of your work-related injury or illness.
Any compensation for lost income or for medical, death or burial expenses resulting from a work related injury.
Claim Employer:
The employer you were working for at the time of your on the job injury and with whom you have filed a claim for benefits.
Compensable Injury:
Any injury sustained in the course and scope of employment for which benefits are payable under the Texas workers compensation laws.
Death Benefits:
A payment made to a legal beneficiary after the death of an employee in a work related accident.
A condition caused by a work related injury that prevents you from obtaining and retaining employment at wages equal to what you were making before your injury.
Any person or company that makes a contract for hire, employs one or more employees, and has workers compensation insurance coverage, including governmental bodies or agencies that are self insured.
The impairment rating looks at your work injury as a percentage of the impairment of your whole body.
Income Benefit:
A payment made to you for a compensable injury only. The income benefits does not cover medical, death or burial expenses.
Maximum Benefit Amount:
The most that you can be paid for a work related injury. The maximum benefit amount cannot be more than the state average weekly wage rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Medical Benefit:
Payments to cover the costs of health care required by an injury. The medical benefit does not cover lost wages or income, or death or burial expenses.
Minimum Benefit Amount:
The least that you will receive as a workers compensation benefit should your claim be approved. The minimum benefits is calculated as 15 percent of the state average weekly wage rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
Multiple Employment:
When you have more than one employer at the time of an injury.
Non-claim Employer:
Any employer other than your claim employer for whom you were working at the time of the injury. For example, a general contractor or owner, if you were employed by a subcontractor.
Non-pecuniary Wages:
Any compensation you receive in a form other than case, such as paid health insurance, a company car, a clothing allowance or a housing allowance.
Pecuniary Wages:
Any compensation in the form of cash or money, including bonuses, commissions, salary or hourly pay.
Permanent Disability:
A condition that prevents you from ever returning to work (permanent total disability) or that permanently limits the type of work you can do (permanent partial disability).
Occupational Disease:
Any illness arising out of our during the course of employment, other than ordinary diseases of life that you are exposed to as a member of the general public.
Repetitive Trauma Injury:
Any injury or loss caused by repetitious and physically traumatic actions, with the full extent of the injury only being manifested over a period of time.
Specific Injury:
Any injury incurred during the course of employment and in the scope of employment.
Temporary Disability (TD, TPD or TTD):
A temporary disability allows you to receive payments while you recover. Payments will stop when you return to work. If you can do some work while recovering, even though it may not be the work you were doing, you will be entitled to temporary partial disability (TPD) payments. If you cannot work at all while you recover, you can get temporary total disability (TTD) payments.
Treating Doctor:
The primary care physician who is treating your injury.
Vocational Rehabilitation:
Vocational rehabilitation is a workers’ compensation benefit that provides compensation for job placement, counseling or retraining if you are permanently unable to return to your job and your employer does not offer you another position.
Contact the Workers Compensation Attorneys at Bailey & Galyen
We are available by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Send us an e-mail or call us at one of the numbers below to arrange a meeting. Your first consultation is without cost or obligation. Se habla Espanol.
We Offer quality legal services and representation to clients throughout Texas, including Arlington, Bedford, Dallas, Fort Worth, Grand Prairie, Irving, Plano, Weatherford, Mesquite, Houston, Clear Lake, TX.
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